Monday, March 12, 2012


The hero

The parasite beast has the unusual power to kill you and turn you into their hero. When Jesus upset the tables of the money changers, this was the Wall St. of the time, this caused the wrath of the parasite beast to fall on him. The parasite beast murdered Jesus, but they did not defame him. Jesus a man who shared a few fish, and taught love for humanity, was murdered and turned into their hero.

This is the ultimate, murder a man and steal his good name, his identity. In the name of Jesus they murdered the native Americans and stole their country. In the name of Jesus they murdered the Maya, Inca, Arawak, etc.. Americans and stole their country.

They say that they were fleeing persecution in their own country so they came to the new world to persecute the natives and stole their homeland.

Do not forget that all this is done in the name of Jesus, the man who taught love. This is like killing Martin Luther King and making him a champion for the Ku Klux Klan.

So why cannot the people see that if the parasite beast can steal Jesus name, then they will steal your life and labor. You will work hard, very hard, all the days of your life to sustain the beast.

Now the Arab countries are guilty of oil. In the name of Jesus the parasite beast is relieving them of their oil.

The poor people who go and risk their lives to secure the oil get nothing. Guess who make the money, the parasite beast of course. The parasite beast sell us the oil and make lot's of money. The parasite beast does not go to war, he send us to be maimed and he reap the benefit.
The parasite beast use our labor to make the war machines, and the beast make money.

The only contribution the parasite beast make is the wisdom and knowledge of thievery.
The market go up the beast make money. The market go down the beast make money.

The soldiers comeback disabled the beast make money.
If you wipe your ass the parasite beast make money.

Notice that the parasite beast cannot make money unless we loose our labor.

The beast cannot make a gun or an airplane etc. The working people make all the guns and use all the guns, The hardest work the parasite beast does is sign the papers, or just say the word, for the atrocities.

Your children will die, but he parasite beast children will live to be future parasite beast over your grand children. If you do not stop the beast now it may be too late for the planet.

Remember the beast will kill himself and you if he cannot have it all.
This is war strategy like how they kill the buffalo. The beast is starving us into submission. With man made food, creating sickness and distress.
Who make the money off these sickness? The parasite beast.
Who pay for it? The working people
All wealth is created by the working people.
The parasite beast only confiscate, and store the wealth and labor of the people.
They produce nothing but they use the largest percent of the earths resources.

Think jet, yacht, fifty room mansion. Then multiply by ten equal one parasite footprint on earth.
What is yours? Driving to work every day for the parasite beast.

Go to rucko for more

Unuseminucum 3/12/12

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